Bergen Kommune
Which are the organisation’s thematic competences and experiences relevant for ART-Forum?
The Agency for Urban Development has a key role in planning and implementing sustainable mobility measures for the City of Bergen. The organisation has taken part in many innovative projects and demos in the field of automated transport and new mobility. The organization also hopes to profit from the inspiration and expertise provided by other organisaitons in the area of automated urban transport and future-oriented transport policies.
What is the main role in ART-Forum?
The City of Bergen will provide expertise on sustainable urban transport solutions, relevant data from the city, and on the ground experience from the city as a Living Lab for testing new technology, policies and regulations. It is crucial for the City of Bergen to manage new transport technologies in such a way that the City’s ambitious targets for sustainable transport can be met. The joint activities and partners of the ART-Forum project are a good match for these efforts. The City and region will invest in providing meaningful and relevant data for the innovation of new smart mobility services, connected to the City overall area planning, parking policies, densification strategies and the creation of neighbourhoods for high quality urban living. This will be followed up with policy workshops an dialogue sessions involving local and regional politicians and citizens.
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