Stad Mechelen
Which are the organisation’s thematic competences and experiences relevant for ART-Forum?
Due to Mechelen’s participation in a lot of European projects, the City has built up a significant cross-border network and has significant experience with setting up stakeholder processes on different levels. As a local authority, Mechelen is also responsible for developing municipal transport strategies. In a recent study, a route with significant mobility opportunities and complimentary network to other sustainable transport modes was identified. Mechelen has also participated in the ALEES project, that investigated the role of autonomous vehicles in supplying goods. This knowledge will be brought into the project.
What is the main role in ART-Forum?
The role of Mechelen centres around gaining and distributing knowledge together among project partners and policy actors. Mainly the impact of an autonomous (public transport) vehicle on public space and other road users is an aspect of interest. We want to organise a pilot case together with De Lijn, Flanders’ public transport provider, in order to gather information about these themes and develop viable, long-term policy recommendations on ART that are based on experience.
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